Best Technological Trends for a Restaurant in 2022

Every year begins with new hopes, not just in one’s life but also in the business world. It has been observed that with the change in the calendar, trends and technology also change. Covid -19 pandemic, an unfortunate phase with which no country was left unaffected, forced the world to switch to online technology earlier....

Top 10 Restaurant Operational Challenges and Opportunities

It’s challenging to succeed in the restaurant sector, but keeping ahead of restaurant operational issues is much more challenging. Restaurant owners, operators, and managers should begin planning for this year immediately. Here, in this blog, we introduce the top 10 operational challenges and opportunities.  Bringing in enough money to break even The sales you need...

Top Easter Restaurant Promotions to Try in 2022

Easter is a special time of year, whether you celebrate it for its religious importance, as a family ritual, or simply for the chocolate. Easter Sunday is April 17th, so we’ve arrived just in time to help you stuff your basket with anything you need while staying within your budget. There’s a complete discount assortment...

How to keep your restaurant busy?

Every restaurateur’s dream for their restaurant is to be packed with people. Customers flowing in, tables completely engaged, dishes continuously coming out from the kitchen, orders zooming and ready to put on the customer’s table. On a hectic day, there is always a lot of work in the restaurant. But with high food demand and...

Where the Restaurant Industry Stands in 2022?

The Covid pandemic has hugely impacted the business of restaurants in the last few years. Due to this, it has become essential for restaurant owners to increase their efforts of getting on the track back. The most popular restaurants are proceeding towards innovative ways to boost the off-site and on-site customer experiences.  As a result,...

Top Tips for Moving Your Restaurant POS To the Cloud

If you’re a restaurant owner, you’ve probably heard a lot about cloud-based restaurant POS systems. Are you torn between whether your existing system is working for you or whether you need to switch to a more intelligent system? You don’t have to keep worrying since we’re here to alleviate your concerns by providing you with...