How to Build an Online Food Ordering System?

online ordering system for restaurants

Online food ordering has now become a norm with the customers expecting the restaurants to have the facility in place. 

Not having an online ordering system for the restaurant would imply that it is losing out on the profitable options of increasing the business opportunities and also the regular customers, who may move on to other restaurants. 

Online third party food aggregators are a quick solution. The food aggregators usually handle the ordering and delivery of the food.

However, the major challenge is their commission. Most of the aggregators charge around 30 % of each order. This leaves very little margin for the restaurants. 

The alternate option is building an own online food ordering system

So, how does a restaurant go about with this?

The restaurants can look up at setting up their own online food ordering system in three ways. 

Best online ordering systems

First and foremost is building a website. Website is the interface between the restaurant and the consumer. Therefore it is imperative that the website is interactive, easy to access and has the whole ordering system in place to ensure that the consumers have hassle free online food ordering

There are solutions in the market which can build a website for the restaurants. However, they do involve higher costs in developing as well as maintaining the websites. Alternatively, the restaurants can also look at exploring website builder solutions that help in building their own websites. 

But before you go ahead with building a website, the restaurant should be clear on what is needed for the website. A platform that can host the online system and a team that can handle the online orders are the key aspects that ought to be put in place.

The advantage of having your own website is that the restaurant can have the whole process in-house and retain flexibility.

However, the process can be cumbersome – both in setting it up as well as maintaining. Using a company that specializes in creating branded or sometimes referred to as white label solutions could be an option.

Mobile app for restaurant ordering

Here, the service provider can help in setting up an online ordering mobile application, online ordering and website for your restaurant. This would be hosted and maintained by them. 

There are several online ordering software and suites available in the market. The software integrates the online ordering with the POS system or is sent to a device like a tablet. This allows for a good customer experience as well as a smooth experience f the end-end online food ordering, with least manual intervention.

Integration with pos systems

App2Food is a service provider that can help in building an online food ordering system. It is free to the restaurant and does not require the restaurant to pay upfront. Setting up of the website, customizing and setting up the online ordering system is all part of the service provided. They also help in restaurant marketing to help the restaurant increase revenue.

The restaurant is saved from the effort needed in building an own website, but also has the flexibility of having a customized online food ordering system in place.
