Proven Marketing Ideas to Bring More Customers to Your Restaurant

Proven Marketing Ideas to Bring More Customers to Your Restaurant

Whether you’ve just started a new restaurant or wish to expand an existing one, you should learn the new-age restaurant marketing tactics. However, most of the conventional strategies for expanding a firm are either too time-consuming or too costly to be effective.

On the surface, ideas like placing an ad in the local newspaper or paying for a radio ad broadcast may sound appealing. They do, however, reach out to a wide range of people but they come with a costly price tag. While they may increase traffic, you may not be able to incur returns on your advertising costs. Also, they are only effective for a limited period.

Restaurant marketing has evolved considerably over time. What worked ten years ago, or even two years ago, rarely works now and is not as effective as it used to be. With social media, new technology, and tougher competition than ever before, it can be difficult to find new consumers for your restaurant business.

The current restaurant industry is fiercely competitive. The fact is that the majority of eateries have extremely low-profit margins. This means that to stay in business, restaurant owners and managers must employ a variety of impactful low-cost techniques to attract new consumers.

If restaurant owners want to outmaneuver their competitors and get a competitive advantage in this highly competitive market, they’ll need to employ a range of methods. Customers can be attracted to your restaurant through present-day marketing strategies and relevant messaging.

  1. Using Social Media for Promoting Your Business

Social media is where your potential customer hangs out. Therefore, social media is the most effective and impactful marketing tool for restaurant operators if they want to reach out to more and more customers.

When clients are considering where to eat, your restaurant should be at the top of their list. You can communicate with your consumers on social media to stay on their minds and entice them into visiting your restaurant.

Some customers may find it tedious to look for your restaurant’s contact details on the internet. If you are present on any mobile app for restaurants that facilitates your takeout and home delivery orders, you can inform your followers through your posts and urge them to use that app to place their orders.

  1. Have an Online Ordering App or Tie-Up with a Mobile App for Restaurants

More and more customers are ordering takeout and having meals delivered to them in greater numbers than ever before. Restaurants can take advantage of this buying trend by providing online takeout ordering services or signing up with a mobile app for restaurants that provide food delivery.

Tying up with an existing food delivery service provider who has a mobile app for restaurants is by far the best idea to maximize your reach most quickly. This allows your business to serve a far higher number of people living at locations far away from your restaurant.

It’s worth mentioning that the majority of meal delivery apps charge a fee for each order. If you don’t want to pay the commission, you could offer delivery services yourself. Alternatively, to save this additional cost, you can use your free online ordering system for restaurants and you will never have to worry about commissions and fees.

  1. Post High-Quality Pictures and Videos

It is well worth your money to keep a smartphone handy in your kitchen at all times. Allow your cooks and staff to post photos to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels in real-time.

Customers want to know what’s going on right now and see photographs of it. Pictures are an easy way to attract new clients by piquing their interest and keeping them involved with your business by posting them online.

  1. Get Social Media Influencers to Talk About Your Restaurant

Hiring Social Media Influencers is highly trending and one of the most effective strategies to bring new consumers to your business. These people or profiles have a big number of loyal followers who also take their recommendations seriously.

Find such local social media food reviewers and influencers on Facebook and Instagram. Once you hire them, you can ask them to write a positive review for your business. This approach encourages their followers and audience to come to your restaurant and have the same experience for themselves.

  1. Provide Live Music and Free Wi-Fi

Giving free Wi-Fi is an excellent method to attract new consumers to your business. With the emergence of remote working culture, many restaurants and cafes have already adopted this strategy to create a welcoming environment that will attract visitors looking for a place to sit and work on their laptops.

Customers are expected to order food or coffee from these cafés while they work, which can be a terrific way to increase revenue. The longer they stay in the restaurant, the higher the bill amount.

Dinner entertainment is something that everyone enjoys. Live music regularly at your restaurant attracts customers by giving you opportunities to promote and making your restaurant appear like the most happening place in the town.


Adding delivery to your restaurant through a mobile app for restaurants can help you reach a new audience and make your restaurant more accessible to a wider range of people in your area or region.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurant food delivery services have become increasingly vital for both customers and enterprises. However, even when the pandemic is over, this shift in the landscape is expected to endure. More and more customers now want to save time and effort by ordering online.

Though third-party delivery services are available, they aren’t always the greatest option for eateries. Operating your delivery service with the help of an online ordering system for restaurants allows you to keep more of the revenues and maintain control over the food you serve in your restaurant.


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